Author: zeski

Tags: crypto

Points: 253

Sh0w me the pr00f that y0u understand 0kpr00f. If its 0k, i’ll give y0u what y0u want!

Challenge source

We are given the following source code, along with source code for py_ecc which we can also find here as an ethereum library.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import signal
import socketserver
import string
import os
from secret import flag
from py_ecc import bn128

lib = bn128
FQ, FQ2, FQ12, field_modulus = lib.FQ, lib.FQ2, lib.FQ12, lib.field_modulus
G1, G2, G12, b, b2, b12, is_inf, is_on_curve, eq, add, double, curve_order, multiply = \
  lib.G1, lib.G2, lib.G12, lib.b, lib.b2, lib.b12, lib.is_inf, lib.is_on_curve, lib.eq, lib.add, lib.double, lib.curve_order, lib.multiply
pairing, neg = lib.pairing, lib.neg


def Cx(x,length=LENGTH):
    res = []
    for i in range(length):
        res.append(pow(x,i,curve_order) % curve_order)
    return res

def C(x,y,length=LENGTH):
    assert len(x) == len(y) == length
    res = multiply(G1, curve_order)
    for i in range(length):
        res = add(multiply(x[i],y[i]),res) 
    return res 

def Z(x):
    return (x-1)*(x-2)*(x-3)*(x-4) % curve_order

def genK(curve_order,length=LENGTH):
    t = int(os.urandom(8).hex(),16) % curve_order
    a = int(os.urandom(8).hex(),16) % curve_order
    Ct = Cx(t)
    PKC = []
    for ct in Ct:
        PKC.append(multiply(G1, ct))
    PKCa = []
    for ct in Ct:
        PKCa.append(multiply(multiply(G1, ct), a))

    PK = (PKC,PKCa)
    VKa = multiply(G2, a)
    VKz = multiply(G2, Z(t))
    VK = (VKa,VKz)
    return PK,VK

def verify(proof,VK):
    VKa,VKz = VK
    PiC,PiCa,PiH = proof

    l = pairing(VKa, PiC)
    r = pairing(G2, PiCa)
    if l !=r:
        return False
    l = pairing(G2,PiC)
    r = pairing(VKz,PiH)
    if l !=r:
        return False
    return True

class Task(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kargs)

    def OKPROOF(self,proof,VK):
        return verify(proof,VK)

    def dosend(self, msg):
            self.request.sendall(msg.encode('latin-1') + b'\n')

    def timeout_handler(self, signum, frame):
        raise TimeoutError

    def handle(self):
            signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.timeout_handler)
            self.dosend('=WELCOME TO 0KPR00F SYSTEM=')
            PK,VK = genK(curve_order)
            self.dosend('now give me your proof')
            msg = self.request.recv(1024).strip()
            msg = msg.decode('utf-8')
            tmp = msg.replace('(','').replace(')','').replace(',','')
            tmp = tmp.split(' ')
            assert len(tmp) == 6
            PiC = (FQ(int(tmp[0].strip())),FQ(int(tmp[1].strip())))
            PiCa = (FQ(int(tmp[2].strip())),FQ(int(tmp[3].strip())))
            PiH = (FQ(int(tmp[4].strip())),FQ(int(tmp[5].strip())))
            proof = (PiC,PiCa,PiH)
            if self.OKPROOF(proof,VK):
                self.dosend("Congratulations!Here is flag:"+flag)

        except TimeoutError:

class ThreadedServer(socketserver.ForkingMixIn, socketserver.TCPServer):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    HOST, PORT = '', 13337
    server = ThreadedServer((HOST, PORT), Task)
    server.allow_reuse_address = True


We see we are dealing with some kind of zero knowledge proofs based on bilinear pairings. We are given the values

\[[t]G_1, [t^2]G_2, [t^3]G_2, [t^4]G_2, [t^5]G_2, [t^6]G_2\] \[[at]G_1, [at^2]G_2, [at^3]G_2, [at^4]G_2, [at^5]G_2, [at^6]G_2\]

where $a,t$ are randomly sampled integers, and $G_2$ the group generator over the elliptic curve the library is using. Our task is to send a proof $(\text{Pic},\text{PiCa},\text{PiH})$ that satisfies the verify function, which checks the following:

\[e(\text{VKa}, \text{PiC}) = e(G_2, \text{PiCa})\]


\[e(G_2,\text{PiC}) = e(\text{VKz},\text{PiH})\]

where $e(\cdot,\cdot)$ is the pairing and $(\text{VKa}, \text{VKz}) = ([a]G_2, [Z(t)]G_2)$ is the verification key. So our task is to prove that we know the evaluation of

\[Z(t) = (t-1)(t-2)(t-3)(t-4) = t^4 - 10t^3 + 35t^2 -50t + 24\]

Let $(\text{Pic},\text{PiCa},\text{PiH}) = ([x]G_1, [y]G_1, [z]G_1)$, where $x,y,z$ are unknown integers. Now we look at the pairings in the verification function.

\[e(\text{VKa}, \text{PiC}) = e([a]G_2, [x]G_1) = e(G_2,G_1)^{ax}\] \[e(G_2, \text{PiCa}) = e(G_2, [y]G_1) = e(G_2,G_1)^y\]


\[e(G_2,\text{PiC}) = e(G_2, [x]G_1) = e(G_2,G_1)^x\] \[e(\text{VKz},\text{PiH}) = e([Z(t)]G_2, [z]G_1) = E(G_2,G_1)^{Z(t)z}\]

So we get the equations

\[ax = y\] \[x = Z(t)z\]

and set $x = Z(t), y = aZ(t), z = 1$. So our proof is $([Z(t)]G_1, [aZ(t)]G_1, G_1)$, which we can compute from the values we are given, using scalar multiplications and point additions.

Solution script

from pwn import *
from py_ecc import bn128

G1, FQ, add, curve_order, multiply = bn128.G1, bn128.FQ, bn128.add, bn128.curve_order, bn128.multiply

def ev(xs):
    out = multiply(xs[0], 24)
    out = add(out, multiply(xs[1], curve_order-50))
    out = add(out, multiply(xs[2], 35))
    out = add(out, multiply(xs[3], curve_order-10))
    out = add(out, xs[4])
    return out

io = remote("", 13337)

for _ in range(3): io.recvline()

PK = eval(io.recvline())
PK0 = [(FQ(x[0]), FQ(x[1])) for x in PK[0]]
PK1 = [(FQ(x[0]), FQ(x[1])) for x in PK[1]]

tup = (ev(PK0), ev(PK1), G1)

io.sendlineafter(b"proof\n", str(tup).encode())

