Processing math: 6%

Commitment Issues

Authors: Jack

Tags: crypto

Points: 272 (16 solves)

Challenge Author: gripingberry


I created a new commitment scheme, but commitment is scary so I threw away the key.


from random import randrange
from Crypto.Util.number import getPrime, inverse, bytes_to_long, GCD

flag = b'dice{?????????????????????????}'
n = 5

def get_prime(n, b):
	p = getPrime(b)
	while GCD(p - 1, n) != 1:
		p = getPrime(b)
	return p

p = get_prime(n, 1024)
q = get_prime(n, 1024)
N = p*q
phi = (p - 1)*(q - 1)

e = 0xd4088c345ced64cbbf8444321ef2af8b
d = inverse(e, phi)

def sign(message):
	m = bytes_to_long(message)
	return pow(m, d, N)

def commit(s, key, n):
	return (s + key) % N, pow(key, n, N)

def reveal(c1, c2, key, n):
	assert pow(key, n, N) == c2
	return (c1 - key) % N

r = randrange(1, N)
s = sign(flag)
c1, c2 = commit(s, r, n)

print(f'N = {hex(N)}')
print(f'c1 = {hex(c1)}')
print(f'c2 = {hex(c2)}')


Reading the Challenge

This challenge is based on a custom commitment scheme for RSA signatures. Before diving into the solution, let’s break down what we’re given and try and identify the insecure part of the scheme.

The RSA modulus N=pq has 2048 bits, and is the product of two 1024 bit primes, which are generated such that n=5 is not a factor of (p1) or (q1). From this alone, we will not be able to factor N.

The public exponent is unusual: e = 0xd4088c345ced64cbbf8444321ef2af8b, but it’s prime and not so large as to cause much suspicion. So far, so good (or bad for finding a solution, i suppose…).

We are given the length of the flag , which is 31 bytes or 248 bits long. The signature of the flag is s = m^d \pmod N, where m is not padded before signing. This means that m is relatively small compared to the modulus (Coppersmith should start being a thought we have now). However, we don’t have the value of the signature, only the commitment.

The commitment gives us two values, c_1 and c_2. Let’s look at how the commitment is made.

def commit(s, key, n):
	return (s + key) % N, pow(key, n, N)

r = randrange(1, N)
s = sign(flag)
c1, c2 = commit(s, r, n)

First a random number r is generated from r = randrange(1, N) as the key. The flag is signed and so we are left with two integers (r,s) both approximately of size N. The commitment is made by adding together these integers modulo N:

c_1 = (s + r) \pmod N.

We can understand r here as effectively being a OTP, obscuring the signature s. We cannot recover s from c_1 without knowing r and we cannot recover r without knowing s.

The second part of the commitment depends only on the random number r and is given by

c_2 = r^5 \pmod N.

Obtaining r from c_2 is as hard as breaking RSA with the public key (e=5,N). If r was small, we could try taking the fifth root, but as it of the size of N, we cannot break c_2 to recover r.

So… either the challenge is impossible, or there’s a way to use our knowledge of (c_1,c_2) together to recover the flag.

Combining Commitments

Let’s write down what we know algebraically:

\begin{aligned} s &= m^d &&\pmod N, \\ c_1 &= s + r &&\pmod N, \\ c_2 &= r^5 &&\pmod N. \end{aligned}

Additionally, we know that m is small with respect to N, so if we could write down a polynomial g(m) = 0 \pmod N, we could use Coppersmith’s small roots to recover m and hence the flag!

Note: The following solution was thought up by my teammate, Esrever, so all credit to him.

Consider the polynomial in the ring R = (\mathbb{Z}/N\mathbb{Z})[X]:

f(X) = (c_1 - X)^e \pmod N,

we have the great property that f(r) = m. However, written like this, the polynomial will be enormous, as e is a (moderately) large prime [Maybe this is the reason e was chosen to be in the form we see in the challenge].

Esrever’s great idea was to work in the quotient ring K = R[X] / (X^5 - c_2), using the additional information we get from c_2. This allows us to take the e degree polynomial f(X) and recover a (at most) degree four polynomial by repeatedly substituting in X^5 = c_2.

Taking powers of the polynomial, we have that

m^k = f^k(r) = (c_1 - r)^{e\cdot k} \pmod N

The hope was that by taking a set of these polynomials, we could write down a linear combination of m^k such that all r cancel, leaving a univariate polynomial in m. This is exactly what we need to find if we hope to solve using small roots.

We were able to accomplish this with a bit of linear algebra. Let’s go through step by step.

Linear Algebra to the Rescue

First let us write the k^{\text{th}} power of f(X) as f^k(X) with coefficients b_{ki}:

f^k(X) = \sum_{i=0}^{4} b_{ki} \cdot X^i

Taking k \in \{1,\ldots 5 \} we can write down five degree four polynomials using a 5\times5 matrix and column vector:

\mathbf{M} = \begin{pmatrix} b_{10} & b_{11} & b_{12} & b_{13} & b_{14} \\ b_{20} & b_{21} & b_{22} & b_{32} & b_{24} \\ b_{30} & b_{31} & b_{32} & b_{33} & b_{34} \\ b_{40} & b_{41} & b_{42} & b_{43} & b_{44} \\ b_{50} & b_{51} & b_{52} & b_{53} & b_{54} \\ \end{pmatrix} \quad \mathbf{x} = \begin{pmatrix} X^0 \\ X^1 \\ X^2 \\ X^3 \\ X^4 \\ \end{pmatrix}.

With these, our polynomials can be recovered from matrix multiplication:

\mathbf{F} = \mathbf{M}(\mathbf{x}) = \begin{pmatrix} f^1(X) \\ f^2(X) \\ f^3(X) \\ f^4(X) \\ f^5(X) \\ \end{pmatrix}

To solve the challenge, our goal is to find a vector \mathbf{a} = (\alpha_1, \alpha_2, \alpha_3, \alpha_4, \alpha_5)^\top such that

\mathbf{M}^\top(\mathbf{a}) = (1,0,0,0,0)^\top.

This is equivalent to finding simultaneous solutions to

\sum_{k=1}^5 \alpha_k \cdot b_{k0} = 1, \quad \sum_{k=1}^5 \alpha_k \cdot b_{kj} = 0, \quad j \in \{1,\ldots 4\}

Practically, finding this vector \mathbf{a}, allows us to derive the linear combination

g(m) = \sum_{i=1}^5 \alpha_i f^i(X) = \sum_{i=1}^5 \alpha_i \cdot m^i.

with no dependency on the variable X, allowing us to understand g(m) as a univariate polynomial in m, precisely what we need for small roots!!

Recovering \mathbf{a} is possible as long as \mathbf{M} has an inverse, as we can write

\mathbf{a} = (\mathbf{M}^\top)^{-1} (1,0,0,0,0)^\top

Using SageMath, this is as easy as

M = ... # Matrix of coefficients
v = vector(Zmod(N), [1,0,0,0,0])
a = M.transpose().solve_right(v)

With the polynomial g(m) recovered, we can apply SageMath’s .small_roots() method on our univariate polynomial and recover the flag!


# Challenge Data #

N  = 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
e  = 0xd4088c345ced64cbbf8444321ef2af8b
c1 = 0x75240fcc256f1e2fc347f75bba11a271514dd6c4e58814e1cb20913195db3bd0440c2ca47a72efee41b0f9a2674f6f46a335fd7e54ba8cd1625daeaaaa45cc9550c566f6f302b7c4c3a4694c0f5bb05cd461b5ca9017f2eb0e5f60fb0c65e0a67f3a1674d74990fd594de692951d4eed32eac543f193b70777b14e86cf8fa1927fe27535e727613f9e4cd00acb8fab336894caa43ad40a99b222236afc219397620ca766cef2fe47d53b07e302410063eae3d0bf0a9d67793237281e0bfdd48255b58b2c1f8674a21754cf62fab0ba56557fa276241ce99140473483f3e5772fcb75b206b3e7dfb756005cec2c19a3cb7fa17a4d17f5edd10a8673607047a0d1
c2 = 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

#    Solution    #

R.<X> = PolynomialRing(Zmod(N))
R.<X> = R.quo(X^5 - c2)

f1 = (c1 - X)^e
f2 = f1^2
f3 = f1^3
f4 = f1^4
f5 = f1^5

M = Matrix(Zmod(N), 

v = vector(Zmod(N), [1,0,0,0,0])

sol = list(M.solve_right(v))

K.<m> = PolynomialRing(Zmod(N), implementation='NTL')
g = -1
for i,v in enumerate(sol):
    g += v*m^(i+1)

flag = g.monic().small_roots(X=2**(31*8), beta=1, epsilon=0.05)[0]
print(int(flag).to_bytes(31, 'big'))

