
Author: jkr

Tags: web

Points: 718 (29 solves)


get the flag

The memo application babyFirst allows to write, list and read memos that are created. The complete application logic is in the MemoServlet.class. After decompilation we see the request routing and user/session handling. The only function that is standing out to be exploitable is lookupImg() that gets called when viewing a memo.

  private static String lookupImg(String memo) {
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(\\[[^\\]]+\\])");
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(memo);
    String img = "";
    if (matcher.find()) {
      img =;
    } else {
      return "";
    String tmp = img.substring(1, img.length() - 1);
    tmp = tmp.trim().toLowerCase();
    pattern = Pattern.compile("^[a-z]+:");
    matcher = pattern.matcher(tmp);
    if (!matcher.find() ||"file"))
      return ""; 
    String urlContent = "";
    try {
      URL url = new URL(tmp);
      BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream()));
      String inputLine = "";
      while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null)
        urlContent = urlContent + inputLine + "\n"; 
    } catch (Exception e) {
      return "";
    Base64.Encoder encoder = Base64.getEncoder();
    try {
      String encodedString = new String(encoder.encode(urlContent.getBytes("utf-8")));
      memo = memo.replace(img, "<img src='data:image/jpeg;charset=utf-8;base64," + encodedString + "'><br/>");
      return memo;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      return "";

A class will be initialized for a given URL in square brackets. Java without custom classes supports several protocols out-of-the-box like http, https as well as file (for local file reads). As the given URL is downcased we can’t use FILE:///flag to read as file protocol is blacklisted. Looking into the source code we find following special case while parsing the URI:

        try {
            limit = spec.length();
            while ((limit > 0) && (spec.charAt(limit - 1) <= ' ')) {
                limit--;        //eliminate trailing whitespace
            while ((start < limit) && (spec.charAt(start) <= ' ')) {
                start++;        // eliminate leading whitespace

            if (spec.regionMatches(true, start, "url:", 0, 4)) {
                start += 4;

By prefixing the blacklisted file:///flag with url: we can access the flag by posting (and afterwards viewing) a memo with content:
